2 Simple Steps To Prevent You From Getting Malaria

Protect Your Environment To Protect Your Health

TG Lifestyle
3 min readJun 18, 2024
Photo by Vladislav Balakshii on Unsplash

It’s that time of the year when you’re hit with the most common illness in Africa.

That same one you say you want to treat when you visit your doctor or local pharmacy store because you feel “somehow.”

Malaria is a serious disease caused by parasites that are transmitted to you through the bites of infected mosquitoes.

It results in symptoms you already recognize which include high fevers, chills, and flu-like symptoms.

It might interest you to know that malaria can be deadly if not treated as soon as possible. It affects millions of people worldwide, especially in hot and humid regions, like Nigeria.

So you should use eco-friendly methods to prevent getting malaria and also support a healthier environment for you.

The reason is because your environment can determine if you're going to get malaria or not. Mosquitoes that carry malaria survive in warm and humid areas with plenty of standing water.

They lay their eggs in stagnant water found anywhere such as in puddles, ponds, old tires, and other containers.

But when you reduce standing water around you, it’ll reduce the population of mosquitoes present.

You should consider the following when you want to prevent yourself from getting malaria;

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At Home

Photo by Ömürden Cengiz on Unsplash

When you want to prevent getting malaria at home, use a net over your bed and install them on your windows to keep mosquitoes out.

Make sure to always empty and clean containers that can hold water to prevent mosquitoes from breeding in your space.

If you're going outdoors, you should apply a mosquito repellent on your exposed skin or you wear long sleeves and trousers, especially during peak mosquito activity times i.e. dawn and dusk.

Sustainable Practices

Photo by Joyce Toh on Unsplash

When you want to prevent yourself from getting malaria, use repellents made from natural ingredients like citronella, eucalyptus, or lavender to avoid harmful chemicals in your space.

That way you’ll be killing two birds with one stone.

Also, if you can, get involved in or support local projects that focus on sustainable ways to control mosquitoes and prevent malaria in your area, such as promoting a clean environment.

ALSO ON TGL: Simple Tips To Prevent E.Coli And Other Foodborne Illnesses

In Conclusion…

You should share this knowledge with others so they can stay active in their efforts to prevent malaria and keep their environment safe.



TG Lifestyle

this blog is for you that wants to know what you can do in your environment so your health gets better. we never learn enough. #TGL #EnvironmentalWellness