Simple Tips to Prevent E. Coli and Other Foodborne Illnesses

Stay Safe, Stay Healthy

TG Lifestyle
4 min readJun 11, 2024
Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

Suddenly, a few days later, you hear that several people got sick with food poisoning.

It was so bad that even their stools had blood in it. You had gone out with your friends to hang out and enjoy a burger or two.

This could be due to E. Coli, a common but serious issue.

You should prevent foodborne illnesses like E. Coli so you can remain healthy. These illnesses can cause you stomach problems and other health issues, affecting your lifestyle and well-being.

E. Coli is a type of bacteria that can make you very sick if it gets into your food. It can lead to serious health problems, especially if you're young and have a weak immune system.

It can be found in;

  • Undercooked meat (especially beef)
  • Unwashed vegetables and fruits
  • Unpasteurized milk and juice
  • Contaminated water

When you’ve been infected with E. Coli, you’ll observe symptoms like;

  • Stomach cramps
  • Diarrhea (sometimes bloody)
  • Vomiting
  • Fever
  • In severe cases, kidney failure

So when you want eco-friendly tips on how to prevent food borne illnesses such as E. Coli, you should consider the following;

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Food Safety

Photo by Usman Yousaf on Unsplash

Always wash your hands, kitchen surfaces, and utensils before and after handling food to kill germs.

Keep your raw meat separate from other foods, refrigerate your leftovers, and use airtight containers to store them to avoid contamination of your food.

Remember to cook your food or meat to the right temperature and don't let your raw meat touch other foods to prevent spreading bacteria that can infect you with E. Coli.

Smart Shopping

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

When shopping for food items, pick fruits and vegetables that are firm, fresh, and free from bruises or mold.

If the food is packaged, look for the expiration date and ingredients to ensure the food is safe and fresh.

Use reusable bags when shopping, but make sure to wash them always to keep them clean and safe so you do not contaminate your purchased food items with bacteria that can give you an E. Coli infection.

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Dine Out Safely

Photo by Nick Karvounis on Unsplash

If you feel lazy to prepare your own meal and decide to eat outside, look up reviews and ratings of the restaurant you’re visiting to ensure the place is clean and safe.

You can ask the staff how they prepare and handle their food to make sure it’s done in a safe way.

You should also be careful with foods like undercooked eggs, because they can make you sick with E. Coli if the eggs are contaminated.

Sustainable Lifestyle

Photo by Lotus Design N Print on Unsplash

Living a sustainable life will prevent you with an E. Coli infection when done in a correct manner.

You should plan your meals, and also use leftovers to minimize food waste that can contaminate your environment.

Clean your kitchen with natural products like vinegar and baking soda to avoid harmful chemicals in your food items.

You can also join local food safety and sustainability programs in your area to help educate yourself and improve your health and environment.

In Conclusion…

Start practicing these food safety tips today to prevent foodborne illnesses such as E. Coli and share this article with your friends and family to keep everyone healthy.

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TG Lifestyle

this blog is for you that wants to know what you can do in your environment so your health gets better. we never learn enough. #TGL #EnvironmentalWellness