How To Declutter and Organize Your Space in Simple Steps

5 Eco-friendly Ways To Get Started

TG Lifestyle
3 min readJun 23, 2024
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Do you want to declutter and organize your space into a more comfortable one for you and you don’t know how or where to start?

This article will guide you on tips on eco-friendly ways to transform your space to suit your health and your environment because an organized space is more useful and looks better.

Decluttering and organizing your space can improve your mental health by reducing your stress and increasing your focus on your activities.

It also helps your environment by promoting less waste generation and more recycling.

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Getting Started: Mindset and Planning

Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

When you want to declutter and organize your space, your mindset and planning should be ready before execution.

Set intentions and decide why you want to declutter. It could be for a clearer mind or a greener lifestyle. Then plan your approach by tackling one room at a time or sort your items by category to stay organized.

Eco-Friendly Decluttering Tips

Photo by Sarah Brown on Unsplash

The next step when you want to declutter and organize your space is to start decluttering when you are sure your mindset and planning are set.

You start by reducing the amount of your items and keep only what you truly need and use. You can reuse your items and find new uses for items you already have. Then you should recycle your items that can't be reused.

Organizing Techniques

Photo by Taru Goyal on Unsplash

When you’re done with decluttering your space, you can then move on to organizing the remaining items you have in an eco-friendly way.

Consider a minimalist approach and keep only your essentials. Then categorize them by grouping similar items together. For your storage, you can use eco-friendly storage like bamboo boxes and fabric bins.

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Digital Decluttering

Photo by Domenico Loia on Unsplash

You should know that when you want to declutter and organize your space, you shouldn’t forget your mental space.

You should start by organizing your digital files and photos so sort and label your files and pictures on your device.

Then you should get rid of clutter in your inbox by unsubscribing from unnecessary emails and services. Remember to use energy-efficient devices and recycle your old electronics.

Maintaining Your Organized Space

Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

You’ve finally decluttered and organized your space in an eco-friendly way but it doesn’t stop there. You should maintain your organized space so all these won’t be for nothing.

Try doing small tasks daily to keep your space clutter-free and set aside time to declutter and keep your space organized.

In Conclusion...

Decluttering and organizing your space can boost your mental health, help your environment, and create a more functional space for you. Start your decluttering journey today and share this article on your social media to inspire others.

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TG Lifestyle

this blog is for you that wants to know what you can do in your environment so your health gets better. we never learn enough. #TGL #EnvironmentalWellness